‘Game of Thrones’ Fan Theory Reveals Sansa May Marry Jon Snow

Game of Thrones

There’s not many franchises that have a fanbase as strong as that of Game of Thrones. The biggest fan theory for the show, R+L=J, was confirmed in the recent season of the show, and that’s only encouraged more enthusiastic fans to conjure up theories for upcoming events.

The latest big fan theory actually ties into the above theory, which reveals that Jon Snow is the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, and speculates that Jon could end up tying the knot with fan-favourite Sansa. The logic behind the theory, which can be found in the video below, is based off of the fact that history tends to repeat itself in the novels that the show takes cues from.

As a brief explanation, Sansa has – in one way or another – been promised to four men in the show. Each of which match four of five champions from the Ashford tournament that’s in the novels. In the said tournament, knights compete to be named one of the champions of Lady Ashford. The finale five champions are Lyonel Baratheon, Tybolt Lannister, Leo Tyrell, Humphrey Harding, and Valarr Targaryen. This explanation only scratches the surface of the fan theory, but we feel that many fans may feel like the similarities are too uncanny to be a mere coincidence.

You can form your opinion by watching the video below – let us know your take on the theory in the comments!

Game of Thrones will last two more seasons, with Season 7 premiering on HBO next year.

Adam Fitch

Adam Fitch

An English bloke with love for all things comics.