‘Aquaman’ All Set For Pre-Production This Month

The cast of Aquaman are set to head out to Australia's Gold Coast this month to start pre-production on the upcoming superhero epic.

Jason Momoa Aquaman Batman v Superman Zack Snyder

Aquaman, James Wan’s swashbuckling action-adventure entry to the DC Extended Universe, is set to start pre-production this month, with the cast heading out to Village Roadshow Studios on the Gold Coast in Australia.

If the location seems pretty familiar with regards to the superhero world, that’s because it was only last week that Marvel Studios’ Thor: Ragnarok finished production in the area. In fact, crew members at Village Roadshow Studios are currently dismantling the sets used for Marvel’s Asgardian epic in preparation for the team of James Wan, Jason Mamoa, Amber Heard and Willem Dafoe to arrive and get started on Aquaman.

Mamoa has just recently wrapped filming on DC’s Justice League ,which is set to be released a year before the Leader of Altantis’ solo film, making Justice League our first real introduction to the character of Aquaman – unless, of course, you count the split second cameo in this year’s Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice.

Previously, James Wan also spoke positively on the casting of Aquaman and the implications Mamoa would have on the historical joke aspect of the character:

“I actually think it’s a brilliant move on Zack (Snyder) and co. to cast someone like Jason. Immediately, the whole joke aspect of Aquaman goes out the window. You have such a muscular, superhero-y character and one that is almost, to me, in some ways … I look at him, he’s kind of the Wolverine in some respect.”

Aquaman hits theaters July 27, 2018, starring Jason Mamoa, Amber Heard, and Willem Dafoe, although you can catch your first real glimpse of the character in Justice League on November 17th, 2017.

Source: Gold Coast Bulletin

Joe Hart

Joe Hart

Freelance writer from Essex, England. "One batch, two batch, penny and dime."