‘Arrowverse’ Stars Talk Crossover: Barry’s Message, Diggle Meeting Supergirl, & More

Stars from the upcoming 'Arrowverse' mega-crossover talk the upcoming four-series event and give details on their characters.

Arrowverse The CW

The stars of The CW’s shows that take place in the Arrowverse are gearing up for the premier of the massive four series crossover, which will include Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl and Legends of Tomorrow. The heroes from the shows will come together to defend Earth-1 against an invading alien race, the Dominators.

TVLine spoke with some of the stars of the four series event, and with so many revolving characters it seems like it would be hard to find time for everyone to have something to do. By the sounds of the actors, however, that isn’t the case as it seems like almost everyone plays some part or has something interesting going on.

David Ramsey, who plays John Diggle on Arrow, spoke about how he will react to Supergirl. As we’ve all seen, the grounded sidekick started in a show before superpowers technically existed in the Arrowverse. As the shows have evolved, Diggle has had to deal with the Flash and the existence of other metahumans, and now he will have to come to terms with the fact he isn’t alone in the universe.

“I always think it’s fun when Diggle gets to go to these other worlds. He’s really a nuts-and-bolts kind of guy, and metahumans kind of freak him out a bit. So I really wanted to see this whole Diggle/Supergirl reaction.”

It’s already been revealed that Sara Lance will have a crush on the Girl of Steel, but according to actress Caity Lotz, the crush begins with intimidation.

“[Sara is] intimidated by her, at first, because she’s used to being the bad bitch in town Then all of a sudden comes this alien girl who can, like, levitate and burn things with her eyes. I think [Sara needs to get] over that intimidation and go, ‘OK, I see you.’ She’s impressed by her.”

Also while speaking with TVLine, Legends actor Victor Garber talked about the message from future Barry. Garber’s character Martin Stein and his other half, Jax, found the message in a secret room aboard the Waverider. According to Garber, the present day Barry will find out about the message from his future self. We don’t yet know how he will react to the news, or if he has any idea already on what the message might contain, but it certainly makes me want to watch the crossover even more knowing we’re going to find out.

Lastly, newcomer Maisie Richardson-Sellers, better known as Vixen, spoke up about the heroes all coming together. Even newcomers like herself and Citizen Steel will find some time to interact with the established heroes. Not so much during the battle against the Dominators, but after the battle the heroes will have a chance to mingle, according to Richardson-Sellers.

“But then at the end of our episode [airing Thursday], it’s really wonderful because you see everyone together, sort of celebrating in a sense, and that’s when they begin to chat a bit.”

We already know you’re excited for the four-series Arrowverse crossover, so sound off below in the comments to let us know!

Supergirl, The Flash, Arrow, and Legends of Tomorrow air every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday respictively at 8 pm on the CW.

Source: TVLine

Josh Behr

Josh Behr

Jack of some trades, master of some others. That saying never really made a lot of sense to me.