Brand New ‘Assassin’s Creed’ Clip Shows Off Insane Period Piece’s Action

A new 'Assassin's Creed' scene has been released online, showing off some of the powerful action that will be taking place in the film.

Assassin’s Creed Movie Michael Fassbender

A brand new Assassin’s Creed clip has been released online, showing Michael Fassbender’s character, Callum Lynch/Aguilar involved in a high stakes, and high speed carriage chase. A carriage chase by itself doesn’t sound very exciting, but when it’s directed by the visual genius that is Justin Kurzel, who directed the breathtaking Macbeth, a carriage chase becomes something dynamic and visually spectacular. You can check out the high octane scene below.

It’ll be interesting to find out how much of the action in Assassin’s Creed is real stunt/wire work, and how much is CG, because this carriage chase is intricate, to say the least. I know Justin Kurzel has said time and time again that he is a firm believer in real, feet to the ground stunt work, so hopefully most of this film will be practical. I have a strong feeling that Assassin’s Creed is going to be a powerhouse of a movie that unfortunately flies under the radar. For one, this is a movie that is difficult to market to audience members unfamiliar with the game. Not to mention, audiences still have a pretty bad taste in their mouths from almost all other video game movies created in the past. But with a director like Justin Kurzel behind the camera, I think this film is going to be powerful both visually and narrative wise. Macbeth was a sleeper hit for me, and it blew me out of the water with its battle scenes, and I expect nothing different from this entry.

Everyone is on the edge of their seat waiting to see if this will be the video game film that breaks the mold, or continues the cold streak set by its predecessors. If I were a betting man, I’d put my money on the former.

Assassin’s Creed opens in theaters on December 21st.

Source: 20th Century Fox

Ryno Carlquist

Ryno Carlquist

Lover of movies, television, and list completing. FSU Student and Lifetime Pizza Rewards Member.