DC Universe: Rebirth finally hit shelves last week. I was one of the few lucky fans to grab a copy at Midtown Comics’ midnight release. This midnight release was special because Geoff Johns was there to sign copies for a few fans. I was lucky enough to be one of the few to get a copy signed by Johns. I’ve been a huge fan of his since the day I laid eyes on Green Lantern: Rebirth. So, it was an honor and dream come true to meet and shake hands with him. But, enough of that, let’s get to the point. Finally Rebirth was in my hands and I rushed home. Following some recommendations, I read Justice League #50 before Rebirth. I knew I was in for a treat. Justice League #50 set up Rebirth. It gave you a sneak peak at the shockers that were to come in the DC universe
After reading Justice League #50, I dived into Rebirth and IT WAS INCREDIBLE. It shed a light on the DC Universe and made me look at in a way I never had before. It showed me one of the many things that the big screen counterparts and comics have been lacking for many years. I started noticing the lack of emotions, hope and history of the characters. This is not to take away anything from Man of Steel, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice or any of the New 52 books because I loved them for what they were. But, it doesn’t negate the fact that it feels like Zack Snyder is one of the characters in DC Universe: Rebirth. He seems to have forgotten the histories of thhese characters and how the hope, emotion and optimism makes them great. I even had to take a step back because, I too, felt like a character in this book. I couldn’t recall what was missing from the DC Universe. This book reminded me of what went missing during the era of the New 52 and then some. It reminds you of, and returns the hope, emotion and optimism back to the DC Universe, with the return of one very special character.
The story itself is so incredible, because it brings back a very special character. It starts off with a secret narrator explaining that something’s missing from the DC Universe. The something that was missing, was ten full years that a mysterious antagonist took from. On the next page we find out that our secret Narrator is Wally West. The Wally West. Our Red Haired, lovable, Pre-52 Kid Flash has returned. But, he’s much younger than the last time we saw him. Ten years younger to be exact, just like the rest of the DC Universe. The only issue is that he’s trapped in the Speed Force and needs to have someone remember him to pull him out and tether him to earth.
The book follows Wally as he tries to reach out to four of the most important people in his life, while also unveiling secrets. Secrets like, Wonder Woman has a twin brother and that there are three versions of The Joker. But, back to Wally. While searching for his tether. He realizes that, even though ten years were taken away, the love and legacy remains. He watches Oliver Queen and Dinah Lance as they wonder what is the empty void in their lives, Aquaman as he proposes to Mera, Ted Kord and Jamie Reyes as they try to be a team and Ray Palmer as he looks to Ryan Choi for help in the Microverse. Batman, Linda Park, Johnny Quick and Barry Allen are the people he tries to tether himself to. He tries to get each of them to remember him and only one does. His mentor, Barry Allen. He remembers Wally in a moment that would draw a tear from the most cynical fanboy. When he pulls Wally back to earth he remembers bits of his past, but not all. Wally warns him of the mysterious threat and then it pans to Batman. Batman finds something in the Batcave, something that shouldn’t be there. He picks up the signature Watchmen smiley face and says “We’re being watched”. The epilogue is just a giant watch and it insinuates that the Watchmen’s Doctor Manhattan was the mysterious antagonist who took the missing ten years away from the DC universe.
The Watchmen twist was totally unexpected. It was a great way to move the story that they were telling forward. I mean, who else besides Doctor Manhattan would want to remove ten years from existence and create a new reality? It makes me beyond happy that this was the beginning of the mystery and that it wasn’t solved in one shot. My excitement for Titans: Rebirth #1 is at an all time high, because that’s going to be the book where Wally supposedly uncovers the Watchmen mystery. I am dying to find out what other Watchmen characters will appear in the future of the DC Universe. This was a great start to a new direction and I am overall excited for the future and learning about all of the mysteries beginning in DC Universe: Rebirth.
DC Universe: Rebirth #1 is a giant step in the right direction. The twists and turns were great. Bringing back the pre-New 52 Wally was the best thing that could have ever happened. This restored my faith in the DC Comic Universe as well as the DC Films Universe. With Geoff Johns steering the ship, I can feel confident that DC is in a good place going forward.
I give DC Universe: Rebirth #1 a perfect 10/10.