The Flash star Grant Gustin and physical therapist LA Thoma got married on Saturday at Los Angeles’ Valentine DTLA.
Although Grant Gustin and LA Thomas have yet to say anything about their nuptials on social media, talent manager Robert Stein shared a photo he took with the newlyweds on the big day on his official Instagram account. The guest list featured several celebrities, including Grant Gustin’s Arrowverse co-stars Melissa Benoist and Chris Wood.
Gustin had proposed to LA Thoma in April 2017 and the couple previously held a symbolic Kadazan ceremony to honor Thoma’s ancestors.
Matching wits with The Thinker, who by season’s end had harnessed the powers of all twelve bus metas he created, stretched Team Flash to their limits, but with the help of some new allies, Barry Allen (aka The Flash) and company were able to put a stop to the Enlightenment and save Central City once again. However, with the arrival of Barry and Iris’ speedster daughter, Nora, who arrived from the future admitting to having made a “big mistake,” things are anything but status quo. Will parenthood be the challenge that finally slows The Flash down?
The Flash stars Grant Gustin as Barry Allen / Flash, Candice Patton as Iris West, Danielle Panabaker as Caitlin Snow / Killer Frost, Carlos Valdes as Cisco Ramon / Vibe, Tom Cavanagh as Harrison “Sherloque” Wells, Jesse L. Martin as Joe West, Danielle Nicolet as Cecile Horton, Hartley Sawyer as Ralph Dibny / Elongated Man, Jessica Parker Kennedy as Nora West-Allen, and Chris Klein as Cicada.
The Flash airs on Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. on The CW.
Source: E! Online