‘Harry Potter’ Writer J.K. Rowling Faces Backlash For Transphobic Tweets

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Harry Potter writer JK Rowling has faced backlash for tweets that many have considered to be transphobic.

JK Rowling took to Twitter Saturday evening to comment on an opinionated article that discussed the steps on how to create a more equal world for those who menstruate post-COVID-19. Rowling’s comment on the article, which discussed “how there used to be a word for” people who menstruate was faced with immediate backlash. The backlash came from folks from numerous backgrounds, who found it inappropriate for the Harry Potter writer to suggest that only women could menstruate as transgender, non-binary and gender-nonconforming individuals are able to do so. Her comments come at a particularly disappointing time considering the rights of marginalized communties have become the dominant conversation both politically and culturally.

This isn’t the first time that the Harry Potter author has been called out for being transphobic. Her previous tweets on the matter caused outrage when she said “sex is real”. Rowling doubled down on her comments and began to discuss the idea of how someone’s biological sense isn’t real.

Many members of the online community have labeled JK Rowling as a “TERF” (Trans-exclusionary radical feminist), something that she’s been called before. In a tweet, the Harry Potter author called out one such labeler, by stating that “women-hate is eternal.”

The backlash JK Rowling has received is insurmountable, with numerous advocates and organizations calling her out for her insensitive comments against the trans community. You can see the backlash the Harry Potter author received below, including from some vocal celebrities who found it shocking that the author stated such comments during a time where black trans rights and representation are at the forefront of the conversation.


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Source: Twitter