‘Justice League’ Director Reveals Cut Sequence That Was Deemed Too Scary

Justice League Steppenwolf Ciaran Hinds Zack Snyder Batman v Superman

Justice League apparently almost had a sequence featuring the creation of Parademons but it was ultimately deemed as being too scary for audiences.

When it comes to writing movies, there’s a saying from people in the industry that states that you write a movie three times before it’s finalized: when you’re writing, when you’re shooting, and when you’re editing. DC’s Justice League may have become infamous for the post-production troubles it went through but, as with any movie of this scale, it went through plenty of changes even before all of that happened.

Director Zack Snyder was recently answering fan questions on the social media platform Vero, something he seems to do pretty often, and he revealed an awesome tidbit about a piece of concept art from the film that never made it into the final cut. Apparently, the image was deemed as being too frightening for audiences but have a look for yourselves at the image below and see if you think it would’ve been a bit too much for audiences to handle.

VERO: Zack confirms humans hanging upside down were too scary to be repurposed into parademons. from DC_Cinematic

The scene in question would have featured Batman (Ben Affleck) discovering human bodies being suspended in strange pods while being transformed into Parademons, the enemies seen flying and battling the members of the Justice League throughout the film. In the movie, they’re just seen as goons fighting for Steppenwolf that come from Apokolips but apparently, that wasn’t the original idea. The art seems to be fitting into the darker tone that Snyder had on Man of Steel and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, with a bit of H.R. Giger splashed in there for extra creepiness.

We’ll be sure to keep you updated on all news regarding the DC Extended Universe as more information becomes available. What are your thoughts on the sequence being cut? Do you think it would’ve been too scary? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!