Introduced back in 2005, the Young Avengers are a team of adolescent characters who tend to have connections to the Avengers in the comics. This team includes the daughter of Scott Lang, a.k.a. Ant-Man, Cassie Lang, who goes by the code name Stature. Cassie is the first member of the team to appear in live-action in Kevin Feige’s Marvel Cinematic Universe. However, another Young Avenger almost joined the MCU in this year’s Black Panther, as director Ryan Coogler considered using Elijah Bradley, a.k.a. Patriot, in an early draft of the film’s script.
Could we possibly see the Young Avengers make the leap from the page to the screen in the future? In the upcoming Ant-Man And The Wasp, there’s an interaction between Scott and his daughter which might hint at a heroic future for Cassie. At the press junket for the film, I asked Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige about this interaction and if we could see even more young heroes like the Young Avengers joining Runaways and Cloak And Dagger in the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s future.
“Well…sure. And both of those you just mentioned we talked about for a long time and they went over to be successful TV shows. We’ve always been fans of Power Pack and figuring that out. And yes. So…where and when we would see the evolution of that? I don’t know. And certainly – taking our cue from the comics as we always do – that’s why we wanted Cassie, a very young Cassie in this movie, to be inspired by her father. Just planting seeds.”
Though it remains to be seen when we might see some of these characters, it does appear that there might already be some plans in motion when it comes to younger heroes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s future. For now, Marvel fans can catch Cassie Lang in Ant-Man and the Wasp, which opens in theaters on July 6, 2018.
Would you like to see the Young Avengers or even Power Pack make their debut in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Sound off with your thoughts in the comments section below.