Please be aware that there are some spoilers in the article below for Logan.
Logan had a lot going for it. It made an impact because it was grounded and focused on the film’s title character and his finaly journey. But besides knowing that this was Hugh Jackman’s final film in which he plays the adamantium-clawed Wolverine, there still some surprises to be had.
For many fans, finding out that X-24, AKA the perfect mutant weapon, was Wolverine’s clone, came as a surprise. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Logan screenwriter, Scott Frank, says that they wanted Logan to face off against himself in a way that felt significant.
“It was an interesting thing — for him to be confronted with himself. It reminds him of what he once was. He was not a good guy. But we didn’t want to make a meal out of it. You have to be careful that that doesn’t become the concept through the whole movie, because then it does exactly the opposite of what we were trying to do.”
Scott Frank also wrote The Wolverine, but there was something about Logan that he felt went right and it’s because he didn’t have to connect it to any other movie and make it fit within a larger structure of storytelling.
“We didn’t have to connect it to any larger “universe.” Or as Jim keeps saying, “we didn’t have to sell Happy Meals.” And so that was great. Whereas, the last one, my favorite part is where he’s in the middle of rural Japan and with this woman and being a human being and feeling what it’s like to be a human being. But we’re not there very long before we’re back to giant robots and stuff. And then it becomes just another superhero movie with a lot of CG stuff. And we were trying to avoid that this time around and the studio had changed studio heads and they were very much into the idea of trying something new, because otherwise what’s the point? The only way these movies have value is if they become about something else. They can’t all about saving the world.”
You can read the full interview, where Scott also discusses another character’s death, here. Logan is now playing in theaters.
Source: THR