Matt Reeves Confirms That He’s Still On ‘The Batman’ After Recent Rumors

After a new flurry of rumors suggested that Matt Reeves was no longer on board for 'The Batman', the director cleared up the rumors on twitter.

Ben Affleck Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice Bruce Wayne Chris Terrio The Flash DCEU

Headlines regarding films in the DC Extended Universe seem to be popping up every day, whether it’s someone dropping out, stepping in, a project being canceled or another one added to the slate. As much fun as the possibilities are, with the universe and the things Warner Bros. and DC want to try out, it’s safe to say that I’m not the only one eagerly awaiting The Batman. With recent rumors suggesting that Matt Reeves may step off the project, the War for the Planet of the Apes director got on Twitter to clarify his status on the project.

It’s important to note that The Batman, in particular, has been a troubled film from the start, with Ben Affleck stepping out of the writer/director chair, constant rumors of Reeves backing away and coming back and a complete re-write. Even Affleck playing Batman in the film doesn’t seem like a guarantee. One thing that it seems like we can guarantee is that we will be seeing Matt Reeves direct The Batman, according to his short tweet replying to an upset fan who questioned his involvement on the project:

“It ain’t so!” seems like it would be a negative comment, but Reeves was replying to a tweet that said “Say it aint so @mattreevesLA”, which means that Reeves is still on the project and probably tired with our questions at this point. The idea of Matt Reeves directing The Batman is one of the more exciting things happening in the DCEU right now, so it’s great to still see that he’s attached.

Considering Joss Whedon just stepped off of Batgirl, this may mean a bigger focus on a Batman film and setting up the Bat Family, which would be exciting if that’s what Warner Bros. and DC want to do. What do you think about Matt Reeves directing The Batman? Terrible choice? Great choice? Which villain would you like to see him take on? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: Twitter