Supergirl star Melissa Benoist commemorated the last day of filming of the DC series.
Supergirl Season 6 is the final season of the DC Comics series. The show, which stars Melissa Benoist as the titular heroine Kara Zor-El/Kara Danvers premiered in the Fall of 2015 on CBS. With its second season, the series moved to The CW and was firmly established within the Arrowverse continuity.
On her official Instagram. Melissa Benoist shared a post with her alongside co-stars Chyer Leigh and David Harewood in costume to commemorate wrapping production on the final season. Melissa Benoist thanks the cast as well as the show’s fans for following the series after all these years:
Melissa Benoist wrote the following caption:
thank you for an incredible 6 years—the cast who became family, everyone who worked on the show, all of you who watched us week after week ♥️♥️♥️ that’s a wrap on @supergirlcw
It’s crazy how fast time flies after six years. It’s safe to say that Melissa Benoist and the rest of her co-stars have gone on an exciting journey with Supergirl, and fans are already gearing up to bid farewell to the cast when it all wraps up.
The CW series is set to return after a hiatus later this month. Here is the synopsis for Supergirl Episode 608, titled “Welcome Back, Kara”:
“As Supergirl and Zor-El make their return to National City, they are determined to keep the Phantom Zone behind them and enjoy being superheroes together; their overzealous efforts backfire, creating a whole new threat to National City.”
Supergirl stars Melissa Benoist as Kara Danvers/Supergirl, Mehcad Brooks as James Olsen/Guardian, Chyler Leigh as Alex Danvers, Katie McGrath as Lena Luthor, Jesse Rath as Querl Dox/Brainiac 5, Nicole Maines as Nia Nal/Dreamer, Andrea Brooks as Eve Teschmacher, Julie Gonzalo as Andrea Rojas/Acrata, Staz Nair as William Dey, Azie Tesfai as Kelly Olsen, and David Harewood as J’onn J’onzz/Martian Manhunter.
Supergirl returns on Tuesday August 24, 2021 on The CW. Stay tuned for all the latest news surrounding Melissa Benoist’s Supergirl, and be sure to subscribe to Heroic Hollywood’s YouTube channel for more great video content.
Source: Instagram