With Apocalypse a few weeks away, fans are already interested to see what’s going to happen next in Fox’s X-Men Universe. With new of a New Mutants movie on the horizon, as well as Deadpool 2 also in the works, the sky’s the limit for Marvel’s mutants. Writer/producer Simon Kinberg was asked about any upcoming X-Men films and he did confirm what time period would be covered.
“The next one is set in the ’90s,”
This is keeping up the tradition of each of the “First Class” X-Men films. First Class took place during the 1960s. Days of Future Past took place during the 1970s. Apocalypse is taking place during the 1980s. It’s almost a no-brainer that the next film would take place during the 1990s. There has been no confirmation as to what the possible storyline would be during this timeframe. However, it’s to be noted that there were some very interesting X-Men storylines that came out during the 90s that could be explored. The possibility for the New Mutants film to also take place during the 90s exists as well, so we’ll just have to wait and see.
Soon enough the “First Class” films will catch up time-wise with the originals. It’ll be interesting how the two different series eventually catch up with each other.
Apocalypse releases nationwide May 27, 2016.
So what do you think? Sound off in the comments.
Source: Comingsoon.net