‘Power Rangers‘ fans, rejoice. Jason David Frank has spoken about the possibility of a Green Ranger spin-off. Since he’s currently been working with Bat in the Sun on the Valiant ‘Ninjak Vs. The Valiant Universe‘ series, in which he’s playing Bloodshot. This instantly sparked a conversation about the return of his role from ‘Power Rangers‘.
“We talked about the Green Ranger series with Saban, which is not dead yet. That’s still very possible with that. I got a lot of big things coming out next year,” Frank says. “We’re talking with Saban about the Green Ranger series. I’m really more passionate about Bloodshot just because I probably put more time into it because it wasn’t a Japanese footage show, Power Rangers was, so it was kind of hard to put it together. I read a lot. There’s a lot I would do.”
We won’t deny that seeing him in the role once again would be fantastic. Although it’s likely that it wouldn’t be connected to the new rebooted film that recently debuted it’s first trailer. He previously reprised the role on ‘Super Powered Beat Down‘ which was produced by the ‘Ninjak Vs. The Valiant Universe‘ director, Aaron Schoenke.
‘Power Rangers’ comes to theaters on March 24, 2017.
Source: Comicbook.com