Regal Confirms It Won’t Boycott Universal Or Other Studios

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Regal Cinemas issued a statement on Thursday that confirmed that its theatres wouldn’t be boycotting any films from Universal Pictures or any other studios for that matter.

Earlier this week, AMC revealed that they would not be showing any films from Universal Pictures following the release of Trolls World Tour, which premiered on VOD first, thus breaking the theatrical release window. AMC also wasn’t pleased with how NBCUniversal CEO Jeff Shell’s praised the films premium VOD debut. Regal Cinemas followed suit shortly after by confirming that they also wouldn’t be showing films that broke the theatrical release window. However, in a recently issued statement, Regal confirmed that this stance isn’t a boycott towards Universal Pictures or any other studio that decides to go to streaming.

Regal took to Twitter to issue a statement that explicitly mentioned that they wouldn’t be boycotting Universal Pictures, which AMC is keen on doing.

This is a smart clarification for Regal considering Universal Pictures has half a dozen franchises like Fast and Furious and Minions that brings droves of fans into its theatres. It’s fair to say that tons of Universal Pictures’ films, like Trolls World Tour, would have been absolutely decimated at the box office. When released straight to the consumer, they’re able to be huge hits, as 80% of the profits go straight to the studio.

It’s hard to imagine that Universal Pictures would release Fast and Furious 9 straight to VOD, considering it’s a film that demands a large screen and bombastic audio system, as well as communal enjoyment. So while AMC is currently persistent on not showing any films from the studio, Regal seems to have made the smart choice in saying that any project that debuts on streaming first will not be shown in their cinema halls.

What are your thoughts on Regal Cinemas’ clarification? Are you excited to go back to the movies? Comment below and let us know!

Source: Regal Movies

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