Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios shared some brand new information on their highly-anticipated sequel, Spider-Man: Far From Home. The film, which is the follow-up to 2017’s Spider-Man: Homecoming marks the return of Tom Holland as Peter Parker following the release of Avengers: Endgame and will also feature the cinematic debut of Mysterio, who is portrayed by Academy Award-nominee Jake Gyllenhaal.
Here are some of the things we have learned about Spider-Man: Far From Home following its presentation at the 2018 Comic Con Experience (CCXP) in Brazil. Click “Next” to find out.
1. Peter Parker & Michelle Will Be Involved Romantically
In Spider-Man: Homecoming, we saw Peter crushing on Liz Allan (Laura Harrier), who has since moved away from Queens, New York with her mother following the fallout of her father Adrian Toomes’ (Michael Keaton) crimes as the Vulture. With Liz now out of the picture, we have Michelle Jones (Zendaya) also known as “MJ” that Peter has his eyes on. In Homecoming, Michelle seemed to tow the line between cold and friendly to Peter, with hints that she was romantically interested in him the whole time.
Now, it looks like Peter and Michelle have since grown closer with one another following the events of Homecoming. Perhaps their romantic connection will play a significant role in Peter’s motivations in Far From Home.
2. Aunt May Supports Her Nephew As Spider-Man In Far From Home
Aunt May (Marisa Tomei) found out about her beloved nephew Peter’s secret at the end of Homecoming. Now that she’s aware that he continues his hero work as our Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, she is also fully-supportive of him despite the fact that he continues to put himself in danger.
3. Happy Hogan & Aunt May Share A Romantic Affair
This one comes as a bit of a surprise. Based off of information from CCXP, it appears that Aunt May is romantically involved with none other than Happy Hogan (Jon Favreau). This certainly won’t be awkward for Peter.
4. Spider-Man & Mysterio Start Are Brought Together By Nick Fury
The narrative for Far From Home will begin with Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) bringing Spider-Man and Quentin Blake/Mysterio together for a mission in which they must hunt down the Elementals. Mysterio has some knowledge about the Elementals and wants to defeat them to make the world safer.
The unlikely duo has been described to have a “brothers in arms” dynamic. What could possibly go wrong?
5. Spider-Man & Mysterio’s Relationship Is The Central Focus
During the presentation at CCXP, Gyllenhaal revealed that Far From Home will be a unique Spider-Man film due to the relationship between the beloved hero and Mysterio:
“The central point of the film is the relationship of Peter with Mysterio, which is a completely new dynamic. Tom Holland is the best Spider-Man. There’s no one more professional than him.”
Seeing Holland and Gyllenhaal acting alongside eachother will certainly be a highlight.