‘The Flash’ Showrunner Eric Wallace Promises ‘Tears’ In Season 7

The Flash Grant Gustin Iris West

The showrunner on Grant Gustin’s The Flash recently opened up about the impromptu season finale before promising “tears” for season 7.

Since work on The Flash was halted thanks to the coronavirus, the original plan for the season finale of the Grant Gustin series had to be scrapped, leaving audiences on the cliffhanger of Iris West’ disappearance. While speaking to TV Line, showrunner Eric Wallace explained that the episode wasn’t intended to be the finale and that fans would have originally found out what happened in a week. Although the showrunner isn’t sure when season 7 will arrive, he pointed out that “eventually” it’ll be fine.

“Well, this was never supposed to be a season finale. They would have found out what happened to her in a week; now, suddenly, that have to wait for… I don’t even know for how long. But everything will be fine. Eventually.”

Wallace went on to explain that the final trio of episodes in season 6 had been written and the next episode was nearing completion before all of this. He also mentioned that it’s strange the episode was nearly finished, but that now it’s the season 7 premiere. The showrunner reassured fans that they’ll find out where Iris went to, but also teased that there’ll be “tears” ahead. Take a look below.

“These last three episodes of this season were already written, and in fact the episode after this, where you get to see exactly where Iris went to, has already been 90-percent shot. So it’s very strange for me that we were one day away from finishing that episode which suddenly is our Season 7 premiere. Fortunately, you find out where Iris went and, oh boy, will there be tears. In scenes in the finale where we usually have everyone in the room, I don’t know if we’ll have all nine series regulars anymore.”

Here’s the official synopsis for the The Flash finale “Success is Assured”:

“THE FLASH SEASON FINALE — Barry (Grant Gustin) considers a risky plan to save Iris (Candice Patton) from the Mirrorverse. Ralph (Hartley Sawyer) attempts to stop Sue (guest star Natalie Dreyfuss) from making a grave mistake that could destroy her life. Phil Chipera directed the episode written by Kelly Wheeler & Lauren Barnett. (#619)”

The Flash stars Grant Gustin as Barry Allen, Candice Patton as Iris West, Danielle Panabaker as Caitlin Snow / Killer Frost, Carlos Valdes as Cisco Ramon / Vibe, Tom Cavanagh as Harrison Wells, Jesse L. Martin as Joe West, Danielle Nicolet as Cecile Horton, and Hartley Sawyer as Ralph Dibny / Elongated Man.

The Flash airs on Tuesdays at 8:00 p.m. ET on The CW. Stay tuned to Heroic Hollywood for all the latest news on the Arrowverse and subscribe to our YouTube channel!

Source: TV Line

Eammon Jacobs

Eammon Jacobs

British dork who can be found online raving about how good Tron: Legacy is.