Jaimie Alexander Pitched Marvel A Lady Sif & Beta Ray Bill Disney Plus Series

The perfect Lady Sif pitch!

Lady Sif Jaimie Alexander Beta Ray Bill Marvel MCU Disney Plus Series

Could Jaimie Alexander be coming back to Marvel? The Lady Sif actress revealed her pitch for a Disney Plus series with Beta Ray Bill.

Many people don’t realize that Jaimie Alexander is one of the longest-lasting actors in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, having appeared sporadically in the franchise since the first Thor movie. While it seems her last outing as Lady Sif was indeed her final one, the actress revealed that she did pitch a Disney Plus series to the studio starring her character alongside the hero Beta Ray Bill.

“This is something my team and I have explored a little bit, my team and I have pitched a show with Lady Sif and Beta Ray Bill,” Alexander explained during a recent appearance at San Antonio’s Superhero Comic Con. “This character is probably one of the most favorite characters I’ve ever played, and it means so much to me…and I will keep playing her until I can’t anymore.”

Fans have been begging for Beta Ray Bill to appear in a Thor project since the dawn of the MCU. A Disney Plus series starring Beta Ray Bill alongside Lady Sif could have been the perfect chance to flesh out both of Marvel’s underutilized heroes. However, it seems Jaimie Alexander isn’t out of ideas regarding her potential return.

Jaimie Alexander’s Dream Avengers Duo

While Beta Ray Bill may be the perfect team-up for Lady Sif, the character isn’t the only Marvel hero Jaimie Alexander wants to meet up with in the MCU. When asked what other characters she’d want to interact with, she admitted it’d be fun to play against Iron Man.

“I really like Iron Man,” Alexander admitted. “The flirtation would be funny because I think Lady Sif would punch him in the face.”

Looking back, it’s shocking Iron Man and Lady Sif haven’t interacted throughout the entire MCU. While it’s not likely Marvel would make this duo a top priority, it’s possible Jaimie Alexander’s public advocacy could lead to her making a brief return. At the very least, fans can at least dream about how good that Lady Sif and Beta Ray Bill Disney Plus series would be!

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Anthony Singletary

Anthony Singletary

Anthony has always had a love for stories. An aspiring screenwriter and video editor, he takes pride in connecting fans with the latest heroic news!