Is Blade getting yet another villain? A new rumor indicates that Marvel is looking to cast another actor ahead of filming the highly-anticipated reboot.
Blade has gone through a rough production. Marvel’s upcoming reboot has shed writers and directors left and right, with one final writer being brought on to polish Michael Green’s script ahead of filming. However, it seems this newest round of rewrites has added a new villain to the fold.
A new rumor by DanielRPK reveals that Marvel is currently looking for a male actor to play a villain alongside Lilith, who’s still set to be the reboot’s primary antagonist. No further information is provided about what type of actor is being brought onto Blade, making it hard to speculate what character they could play.
Who Is Blade’s Mystery Villain?
Most fans would look to Lilith for clues about what villain could join her in Blade. This would immediately point fingers at Dracula, who serves as the character’s father in the original Marvel comics. However, it’s hard to believe that Dracula would be included in the reboot and only play a supporting role to the main villain.
Another interesting idea is Deacon Frost. The character is often seen as Blade’s archnemesis due to his role in the original films. Bringing him into the reboot could give Marvel a solid connection to the character’s cinematic history without relying too much on nostalgia. However, Marvel is often known for making original characters for the MCU, meaning any speculation could end up being pointless.
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