Marvel Rumor Suggests Uma Thurman Is Being Eyed For MCU Role In The Mutant Saga

Is Uma Thurman joining Marvel?

uma thurman kill bill the bride mcu marvel logo

Is Uma Thurman finally headed to the MCU? A new rumor has all eyes on the Kill Bill star to join Marvel’s growing roster of superstars.

Once upon a time, the name Uma Thurman was enough to put an action movie fan in a coma. The actress has played many roles in many genres across her decades-long career, but the one that cements her into the public consciousness the most is her role as The Bride in Kill Bill Volume 1 and Volume 2. Being the face of one of the best action duologies of all time, Marvel fans have been relentless in their hopes that the star might join the MCU.

Those dreams may finally be coming true. A rumor by MyTimeToShineHello suggests that Marvel is currently courting Uma Thurman for a role in the MCU. It’s currently unclear what character they may want her to play, but given her mega-star status with older audiences and film buffs, she may be in line for a starring role in the next saga in the comic book franchise.

Who Will Uma Thurman Play In The MCU?

Given how long Uma Thurman has been playing action heroes, she’s been cast as almost every Marvel heroine that could (and has) appeared in the MCU. That being said, there are still a few characters she could play that haven’t been grabbed up by other actresses. Two of the most popular names are Destiny and Mystique, X-Men anti-heroes that have been rising heavily in prominence over the last few years.

Yet perhaps the best choice for who Uma Thurman should play in the MCU is the obscure X-Men villain Selene. The 17,000-year-old mutant is one of the most powerful foes the team has faced in Marvel comics and, importantly, has never appeared in any adaptation before outside of an obscure animated series. If the studio truly wants to reinvent the mutants for a new era, Thurman would be the perfect fit for one of their most underrated villains.

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Anthony Singletary

Anthony Singletary

Anthony has always had a love for stories. An aspiring screenwriter and video editor, he takes pride in connecting fans with the latest heroic news!