San Diego Comic-Con Fans Built A Beautiful Shrine For The Canceled Con

Fans can add to the shrine until July 27.

San Diego Comic-Con At Home

Fans built an awesome shrine for San Diego Comic-Con across from the convention center where it normally takes place.

2020 has been a devastating year all around for pop culture fans due to the threat of COVID-19. Not only did this year see the delay of numerous anticipated films, but it also saw San Diego Comic-Con closing its doors for the first time ever. To commemorate the convention’s fifty year legacy, as well as its first no show, fans have built an awesome shrine for the legendary con. The shrine is across the street from the convention center where the event takes place.

Fans have been leaving the likes of t-shirts, flowers, posters,  and notes for the San Diego Comic-Con shrine. You can check out a picture of the shrine, which continues to grow, below.

The shrine was formed with the help of Chris Morrow, who says fans can drop off whatever they’d like in honor of the Comic-Con. On July 27, Comic-Con officials will clear everything up, signalling the end of the shrine. Speaking with 10News, Morrow discussed why it was important to have a shrine for the beloved Con that has endured for 5 decades.

“Residents from San Diego County got together to show love and respect to Comic-Con. The popular arts convention is online this year and residents wanted to let everyone know San Diego Comic-con is not forgotten and we will see them back in person 2021 in San Diego.”

San Diego Comic-Con will in fact be taking place online this year, with Comic-Con@Home, which takes place from July 22 to July 26. The virtual convention will be entirely free so fans all over the world can participate in pop culture goodness! One of the most anticipated panels at the Con will be coming from Joss Whedon, director of the first two Avengers films.

Are you excited for the virtual Comic-Con? Sound off in the comments and let us know!

Stay tuned for all the latest news on Comic-Con@Home and be sure to subscribe to Heroic Hollywood’s YouTube channel for more video content!

Source: 10News