Sean Gunn Is Up For Being In James Gunn’s ‘The Suicide Squad’

The Suicide Squad James Gunn Sean Gunn Guardians Of The Galaxy

During an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Sean Gunn commented on whether or not he would be willing to appear in brother James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad.

After Disney fired James Gunn from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 after right-wing pundits unearthed offensive tweets the filmmaker posted years ago, the director was tapped to helm a new Suicide Squad film for Warner Bros. and DC. While Sean Gunn will soon reprise his on-set role as Rocket Raccoon in Avengers: Endgame and the third Guardians of the Galaxy, the actor noted that he would be willing to appear in James Gunn’s new take on the Suicide Squad, but added that his brother will only ask if there is a proper role for him:

“It’s interesting to me as an artist. It’s even more interesting as a brother. My brother and I have worked together in many capacities, since we were kids. If he wants me to do something, I will do it. But one of the things I respect most about him is that he’s a storyteller first and foremost, so he’s not going to try to cram me in there if I don’t belong. If he has a part for me, I’d be happy to go do it, but we also have our separate careers and I’m doing my own thing as well, so we’ll just see what happens there.”

Would you like to see Sean Gunn join the Suicide Squad? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

he first Suicide Squad followed a team of supervillains who were recruited by the government for a dangerous black ops mission in exchange for reduced sentences. The ensemble cast included Will Smith as Deadshot, Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn and Jared Leto as The Joker. James Gunn is expected to deliver on the new take on the supervillain team with his upcoming movie.

The Suicide Squad is one of many projects currently being developed by Warner Bros. and DC. The list also includes The BatmanThe FlashGreen Lantern CorpsBirds of PreyBlack AdamNightwingSupergirl and New Gods.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

Top Actors To Replace Ben Affleck In Matt Reeves’ ‘The Batman’

Ben Affleck is officially out as Batman and it’s a pretty sad day.

Words cannot describe how sad I am to see Ben Affleck announce that he’s no longer Batman. His Batman is why I do what I do. In Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, I fell in love with his comic book-accurate interpretation of the Caped Crusader. It was a breath of fresh air and it felt like we finally had the one true Batman.

Three years have quickly sped by and we’re officially going to receive a new Batman for his next movie. Last night, Ben Affleck announced that he will not return as the Dark Knight in Matt Reeves’ The Batman and now everyone’s attention has moved towards wanting to know who the next Bruce Wayne will be. Matt Reeves is said to want an actor that’s around 20 years younger than Affleck while Warner Bros. wants someone older. My guess is that Reeves wants a fresh start while the studio wants an older actor for crossover potential.

In this list, I will discuss the actors I think can replace Ben Affleck as Batman using the parameters that Matt Reeves and Warner Bros. want. Hit Next to see our picks to play the Batman.

Michael Fassbender

Michael Fassbender is an X-Men alum and no stranger to comic book franchises. The actor has shown multiple levels of range and could definitely handle the Batman/Bruce Wayne personality. If they go with the older range for the next Dark Knight, then Fassbender is probably one of the best choices to take over the role.

Ben Barnes

Ben Barnes is out of a job after The Punisher season 2 and he’s one of the best actors in that series. The second season tied up Barnes’ arc on The Punisher and the actor has already told us that that he’d love to play the Caped Crusader. Barnes definitely has the pretty boy look going on for him and I wonder what his take on Bruce Wayne could be.

Ryan Gosling

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: Ryan Gosling needs to star in a superhero movie. I’ve always thought Gosling would make a great Batman. Every role that he’s done has shown us his capability and he could crush it as Bruce Wayne.

Jon Hamm

Jon Hamm is my top choice for an older Batman. If Warner Bros. wants to cast an older actor for crossover potential, Jon Hamm is the studio’s best bet. He has a similar look to Ben Affleck, and c’mon, the guy’s look just screams Bruce Wayne.

Armie Hammer

Armie Hammer is 32 years old and was cast as the Caped Crusader in George Miller’s Justice League: Mortal. That film will never see the light of day, but that doesn’t mean that Hammer doesn’t deserve a second shot at being the Batman. He’s charming, broody and will probably give his all for this role. Armie Hammer is a great option because he’s young enough for Matt Reeves and Warner Bros. could work in a way for him to crossover with the rest of the DC Extended Universe.

Richard Madden

Game of Thrones alum Richard Madden is my top choice to replace Ben Affleck as Batman. The actor is young, has the look and definitely has the acting chops to play the duality of Batman and Bruce Wayne. Madden just won the Golden Globe for Best Actor in a Television series for the BBC drama Bodyguard, so Warner Bros. may want to quickly snatch him up.

Sebastian Peris

Sebastian Peris

Canadian film buff, political junkie, comic book geek, and board game enthusiast.