Is the Reverse Flash always right? Tom Cavanagh reveals his true feelings on Ezra Miller’s big screen outing as the Scarlet Speedster in The Flash.
It’s not an exaggeration to say that The Flash is one of the biggest blockbuster failures of all time. The film had its issues, from a bloated budget to controversial uses of AI and CGI, but perhaps the most shocking part of its failure is how little people went to bat for it. The Flash himself had become a household name, with the character’s own CW show running for nearly a decade at the time of the film’s release. Unfortunately, that didn’t seem to do much to bolster the reputation of Ezra Miller’s take on the iconic character.
This has left some fans wondering how The Flash CW stars felt about the failure of a feature. The question was posited to Tom Cavanagh, who played the Reverse Flash in the series, at Fan Expo in Portland. While the actor certainly had his issues with the film, it seemed he had a surprisingly high opinion for Ezra Miller’s take on the iconic hero, especially when it came to how it differed from Grant Gustin’s interpretation.
“I saw it! A) I did see it, B) I liked it! Here’s what I think…I know they had all sorts of things, off-camera issues, and stuff going on. They do a remarkable job – the first half of that movie, in my opinion, and as somebody who’s protective of Grant Gustin as The Flash, I thought they were so very winning.”
“They played him like they took the IQ level down and I thought that was good. No, but they did it purposely, and I think that’s going to make The Flash more innocent and different. Good call! Because you don’t want to repeat what a guy did for a decade on television. When Keaton shows up – spoiler alert! – you’re like, ‘Holy crap!'”
“It’s so funny if you look at The Flash DVD cover, what’s on it? Batman, which tells you a little bit of something. Then the end of it, it’s a massive digital thing. That’s not always easy to accomplish, but if you watch the first half of that movie, and you watch its genesis story, it was a little slightly different than ours and I thought it was extremely well done.”
Tom Cavanagh’s Thoughts On Marvel’s Success
Yet it seems Ezra Miller’s film isn’t the only blockbuster that Tom Cavanagh has some thoughts on. Continuing on during his panel, The Flash star recounted a conversation he had with Geoff Johns about the ongoing rivalry between Marvel and DC. It seems, even in spite of their success across the pond, he feels that the joy can be felt across the industry.
“I remember talking to Geoff Johns about this, he’s DC, and Marvel’s kicking ass, I’m like ‘What do you think about their success?’ and he’s like, ‘What’s good for comic books is good for all of us.’ And I sort of feel that way.”
In a world as cutthroat as Hollywood, and especially the world of blockbuster filmmaking, it’s refreshing to hear that Tom Cavanagh is only hoping for the best with those others would see as competition, be it Marvel with the MCU or Ezra Miller’s time as The Flash. While it’s unclear if Cavanagh will ever return as the Reverse Flash, it’s certain the good will he exudes will be felt for years to come in the fandom.
The Flash is currently streaming on Max. Stay tuned for the latest news regarding the future of the DC Universe and make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more content!