Zack Snyder’s original plan for the DC Extended Universe, including a Flashpoint film and Justice League sequels, may not come to fruition at the moment, but it seems the director hinted at something bigger and grander than even that with his original vision.
If there’s one thing we can say for sure about Zack Snyder’s plan for the DC Extended Universe, starting with Man of Steel, it’s that it was finite. There would be a logical beginning, middle, and natural conclusion. Whether there was wiggle room for the universe to continue beyond that remains to be seen, but like what has been done with the X-Men and Marvel Studios films, there appears to be a long term plan at play for DC’s current slate of comic book films.
But plans changed when Warner Bros went into panic mode and frantically changed things behind the scenes, including Zack Snyder’s original vision for plans like a Justice League sequel and the original Flashpoint film. Right now, fans hope to at least see Zack Snyder’s original vision for the Justice League if just to provide some solace for what might have been. If/when that film sees the light of day, fans can see what the director originally had in store for Justice League, Flashpoint, and beyond, but for now, Zack Snyder hinted that it was huge.
Earlier, Zack Snyder gave his thoughts on Ben Affleck exiting the Batman role. On occasion, Zack Snyder does respond with and engage fans who ask him questions. One commenter in particular asked if there would’ve been a Flashpoint storyline if things went according to plan. Zack Snyder’s response? In a word, better. Here, have a look:
Goddamn yo….🤭
— John Aaron Garza 🟢 Nkl-n-D1med (@Ser_Jon_Arryn) February 18, 2019
Had Warner Bros stuck to its guns and adhered to the vision that Zack Snyder had for Justice League and beyond, chances are we would not be having this conversation and probably could look forward to a Flashpoint film. But like many things, that is not the case. Whether Snyder ultimately ever does return to the DC Extended Universe also remains to be seen, but right now, all fans can do is just think about how that original five film arc could have looked.
But what do you think? Would you have wanted to see the likes of a Flashpoint film and Justice League sequels if that meant a definitive ending for the DC Extended Universe? Or would you have wanted the world that Zack Snyder built to extend beyond that? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
In the meantime, the next installment in the DC Extended Universe, Shazam!, hits theaters on April 5, 2019.