Diane Lane Talks ‘Martha Scene’ In ‘Batman V Superman’

Diane Lane

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice was met with mixed reviews from critics and fans but one scene, in particular, left everyone talking, the “Martha scene.” Diane Lane, Martha Kent, is now opening up about that famous scene on the special features of Batman v Superman. She explains why this scene is such a critical piece in the Batman v Superman story.

“Superman and Batman certainly entered the superhero business from opposite roads, yet they have similar histories. There’s the loss of your original family, so they’re both orphans. And I don’t think Batman sees Superman as human until he realizes that he has mother. And I think, when Batman makes the decision to rescue Martha, Superman’s mother, in a way he’s redeeming his own sense of powerlessness he had when he could not save his own mother.”

Directed by Zack Snyder, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice stars Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Gal Gadot, Jesse Eisenberg, Amy Adams, Jeremy Irons, Holly Hunter, Laurence Fishburne, Diane Lane, Harry Lennix, Callan Mulvey, Tao Okamoto and Scoot McNairy .

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is available on Digital HD and Blu-Ray. You can read our in-depth look at the Ultimate Edition by clicking here, as well as our early review of the Blu-Ray here.

What do you think about Lane’s comments? Let’s talk below in the comment section.

Source: CinemaBlend

Chelsea Lewis

Chelsea Lewis

Chelsea Lewis, TV division, joined Heroic Hollywood in 2016. Prior to joining the team at Heroic, she worked for TheCelebrityCafe.com covering everything from music to...