Julia Garner On ‘Mysterious’ Time Playing Silver Surver In ‘The Fantastic Four: First Steps’

What is the Silver Surfer hiding?

Julia Garner The Fantastic Four Silver Surfer MCU Norrin Rad

The Silver Surfer is keeping some surprises up her chrome sleeves! Julia Garner speaks on the unique process of playing the herald in The Fantastic Four: First Steps.

One of the most mysterious parts of The Fantastic Four: First Steps is the role that the Silver Surfer will play in the film. Despite being promoted as a part of the main cast, no set photos have come out showcasing Julia Garner’s take on the character. They’ve also been almost entirely absent from any and all promotional artwork created to market the film.

There may be a good reason why, however. When speaking on filming The Fantastic Four: First Steps, Julia Garner revealed that it was different than any role she’s ever played. Given the character’s infamously sheen exterior, everything she did was in a motion capture suit. She even compared her actual work as the Silver Surfer as comparable to auditioning!

“With the Silver Surfer, there’s still something very mysterious about it… I’ve never played a character like that,” Garner explained in a recent interview with Who What Where. “You have to imagine everything when you’re doing it, as if you’re auditioning. Even though we had the sets, I didn’t have my costume or hair and makeup or anything.”

Silver Surfer’s Role In The Fantastic Four Reboot

It’s not a shock that everything done would be motion capture, especially given The Fantastic Four: First Steps isn’t even doing The Thing with practical effects. However, Julia Garner does reveal some interesting facts about her character. Namely, that the Silver Surfer isn’t just confined to space, having roamed into some of the sets built for the upcoming film.

It’s possible that this reveals that the Silver Surfer will interact the team much more in The Fantastic Four: First Steps than in prior incarnations of the character. The board itself may also not be practical, as Julia Garner didn’t mention any props used in her scenes, which would be almost omnipresent if it was physically there.

The Fantastic Four: First Steps opens on July 25, 2025. Stay tuned for all the latest news regarding the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more content!

Anthony Singletary

Anthony Singletary

Anthony has always had a love for stories. An aspiring screenwriter and video editor, he takes pride in connecting fans with the latest heroic news!