Ruby Rose Leaving ‘Batwoman’ Creates ‘Crisis On Infinite Earths’ Plot Hole

The crossover saw Kate Kane become one of seven paragons to defend the multiverse, but Ruby Rose's departure has created an interesting plot hole.

ruby rose batwoman crisis on infinite earths

Ruby Rose leaving Batwoman creates a plot hole in Crisis On Infinite Earths for Kate Kane’s role in the Arrowverse.

Following Ruby Rose‘s exit from Batwoman due to long hours on set, a new character supposedly called Ryan Wilder will become Gotham City’s protector in the second season. But during the recent crossover, it was revealed Batwoman is the Paragon of Courage after she faced a warped version of Bruce Wayne on Earth-99. The title means that of all the countless heroes in the multiverse, she’s one of the few capable of standing up to the Anti-Monitor.

But as pointed out by Reddit user Funbun71, LaMonica Garrett‘s The Monitor tells Kate she’s “the Bat of the Future” in the second episode, which was a way of setting her up for a prominent role in the Arrowverse. But clearly that isn’t the case with a new hero getting ready to become Batwoman in season two after Ruby Rose is written out of the show. Showrunner Caroline Dries has already pointed out that she isn’t going to kill Kate Kane, but the mystery of her disappearance will be a driving force of the second season.

“Kate Kane, you are the Bat of the Future.” from BatwomanTV

What do you think of the Crisis On Infinite Earths plot hole? Who do you want to take up the Batwoman mantle after Ruby Rose? Sound-off in the comments below!

Ruby Rose’s replacement will appear in Batwoman season two. Here is the official synopsis:

Season two kicks off with a major game-changer that will alter Gotham and The Bat Team forever. As the dust settles, Batwoman has everything working against her – including the recently escaped rogues’ gallery of villains – and everyone will come to see her in a whole new light. Alice meets her match when she becomes entangled with a dangerous foe from her past who knows exactly how to prey on her vulnerabilities. As Luke (Camrus Johnson) and Mary (Nicole Kang) find their footing as sidekicks, a romance will shake up their dynamic. Meanwhile, Sophie (Megan Tandy) and Julia’s (guest star Christina Wolfe) budding relationship will face its first real test and make Sophie question everything she thought she knew to be true.

Batwoman season two is currently set to air in 2021 on The CW. Stay tuned to Heroic Hollywood for all the latests news on Batwoman and the rest of the Arrowverse. Also be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more content in the future!

Source: Reddit

Eammon Jacobs

Eammon Jacobs

British dork who can be found online raving about how good Tron: Legacy is.