‘The Batman’ Joker Actor Barry Keoghan Reveals Audition Tape For The Riddler

A Riddling Attempt!

The Batman Paul Dano The Riddler Druig Eternals Barry Keoghan

The ending of The Batman teased the involvement of the Joker in the film’s sequel, with Oscar-nominated actor Barry Keoghan playing the DC Comics villain. However, a newly-released audition tape reveals he originally tried for the role of The Riddler, played in the film by Paul Dano.

Paul Dano wowed audiences across the globe with his performance as The Riddler in The Batman, becoming many fans’ favorite version of the villain. However, Dano’s DC role wasn’t always set in stone. In a recent interview, Joker actor Barry Keoghan revealed his audition tape to play The Riddler, which ultimately landed him the role as the Clown Prince of Crime.

Barry Keoghan’s take on the Riddler certainly would have been different than what Paul Dano delivered in The Batman, with his audition tape evoking classic films like A Clockwork Orange over the outcast vibes presented in the film. One thing is certain, however: Keoghan certainly has the swagger to play the Joker.

The future of The Batman series

The first movie ended with Batman apprehending the Riddler, who has flooded Gotham City, though details about Part II are currently scarce. Matt Reeves is co-writing the script of the sequel with Mattson Tomlin.

The heads of DC Studios recently revealed that The Batman: Part II is set to hit theaters on October 2025. The first movie earned $770.8 million at the worldwide box office, a figure that makes it the seventh highest-grossing movie of 2022.

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Anthony Singletary

Anthony Singletary

Anthony has always had a love for stories. An aspiring screenwriter and video editor, he takes pride in connecting fans with the latest heroic news!